It is perhaps not ridiculous to say that our mind is kind of a factory which works day and night without rest. Sometimes we are in a constant search of something interesting, something diverse or maybe something we want to achieve. Our mind is always enclosed in a universe of thoughts.
It is said that our mind is like an ocean in which we catch one fish, throw it away and again opt for another. There is no stop. Though we remain physically exhausted but it occupies our whole night resulting us in being an insomniac.
If we cannot stop this flow of thoughts in our mind it means that we are confiscated within the boundaries we are setting in. It is normal to be in pressure, it is normal to be an introvert and keeping your desires and words to yourself. But that does not mean we will let it occupy our mind, our time and maybe our life. We should not let our mind control us because it prevents us from experiencing new things.
Rather than being a slave to our thoughts we should work on how to control our mind. We should inject positive thoughts within us no matter what the situation demands. We should always bear a brave heart to face any kind of tough circumstances. For this we need to have a healthy body and mind. Keeping faith in one’s mind is the ultimate weapon one could have. With strong faith of battling any situation we should maintain a routined life. A good night sleep is only possible if we remove the burden of unnecessary tension from our mind. Because everyone is a hero in their own domain. We should know that since we have advanced this much in our life tackling everything we got to continue to do that forever. Being confident and attempting to take step is a success in itself. If you stop struggling with your mind and go for your vision, your aim is half completed. It is important for us to expand our horizons and expand our world as well. And it is only possible if we let our mind work freely without pressurising it. A strong and determined mind with ultimate confidence will lead us to our desired destination.
~ Written by- Sarah Ishadi Sparsha