When you were five and still using a pencil, you can't wait to be a nine-year old kid for you to finally have a ballpoint pen.
When you turned nine, you told yourself that you wanted to be twelve—that if you could just pull the days towards your graduation day, you would do it.
At twelve, you had a bad day, and asked the heavens to make the time move fastly, and immediately bring you to your fifteen-year old self.
You were fifteen, bombarded with too much schoolworks, yet you still managed to endure; nothing has changed, you wanted to become the future you still.
Sixteen, you fell in love. Seventeen, you got hurt. Told yourself this wasn't the right time for it yet.
You turned eighteen—legal age. You thought by then, you could conquer the world; you were on your way to being an adult, it excited your soul, for you see it as freedom from everything.
Now, you're here. Little did you know, this stage is too hard to bear—you work hard, but there are days you feel it doesn't make sense. All you want is for the time to stop, for the world to halt its rotation even just for awhile. Perhaps, by then, you would finally have such rest. You set goals you still didn't achieve on the desired age you once planned to have it—that's one of the reasons why you feel so lost these days. Others your age already there, on the dreams they have been striving to have. While there you are, questioning yourself: What am I even doing?
Listen—live this moment. No matter what your age is, live the now. Plan for the future, but do not forget that you are here on the present time. Your age right now comes just once in a lifetime—make something worth looking back once you are done with it. You are doing great, although your own eyes can't see it. You are doing your best, and it will make sense soonest. You will carry yourself to the future you—s/he is waiting for you; patiently.
Be patient with everything especially yourself !
~ Written by- Tasfia Tasnim Pariza