"It's as if a snake is squeezing me.”
"It feels like my body is going at the speed of light.”
"You're frozen. You can't move. You think the end is coming."
"You feel like you're dying and going crazy at the same time."
These are some quotes from people who have experienced panic attacks. Due to the lack of knowledge and awareness, this mechanism that the human body uses to battle stress is often ridiculed, to the point where individuals experiencing a panic attack gets mocked by their peers rather than getting the help they need.
So, what is a panic attack ? A panic attack is a brief episode of intense anxiety, which causes the physical sensations of fear. These can include a racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, trembling and muscle tension. What most people in our society do not know is that panic attacks is not always associated with mental illness. It can occur in perfectly normal individuals if they encounter intense stress-
* for a prolonged period of time * after experiencing unexpected trauma (e.g. loss of a loved one) * after a period of exercise or hard work * after consuming excessive caffeine * during any physical illness
If unrecognized, an individual can develop a tendency of frequent panic attacks which is known as anxiety disorder/panic disorder. Therefore, if you or anyone around you has experienced panic attacks, YOU NEED TO ACT NOW.
If you occasionally experience panic attacks, please feel free to contact Oroddho Health. Our trained listeners will listen to your experiences and help you battle your stress in order to prevent further attacks and lead a healthy life. And if you have frequent panic attacks, Oroddho will refer you to one of many referral centres in Bangladesh where you can talk to a therapist and get the advice and medication you need to combat your condition.
And all of our services are ABSOLUTELY FREE OF COST.
We look forward to hearing from you...
~ Team Oroddho Health